"How many voters are there in Minnesota?  Divide that by 113 or even 225. The
number you get I would consider rare."

It's like I stated earlier, to those on the left, an acceptable amount of
voter fraud is just enough to allow the leftist to win.  To me, it's zero.

"Would you be bitching about voters in Minnesota if Franken had lost by 300

Personally, I wouldn't care about Franken.  I would still be concerned
about voter fraud though in Minnesota and the other 49 states.

I still hear plenty of people bitching about Florida in 2000 and Ohio in
2004.  I don't have a problem concluding that there would be plenty of
wailing and gnashing of teeth by the left if Franken would have lost by
300. Much louder than anything by the right.

"What do you think about Romney voting in an election in Massachusetts
after he had moved to California, and listing his address as his son's
unfinished basement?  "

I don't know anything about the story, but if its true, then there should
be consequences.

Unfortunately, from what I have been reading, the actual consequences of
voter fraud are pretty damn weak.

"Is that voter fraud?"

Sounds like it.



A society that puts equality—in the sense of equality of outcome—ahead of
freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom. - Milton Friedman

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