I don't think he was trolling, and makes a valid point.

We've seen time and again what an all powerful government can do, I'm not
going to even mention the countries and ideologies involved.

We've seen what abusive corporations are capable of, and we've seen unions
do things that are totally and completely against the best interests of
their members.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:

> Why is it that when people are trying to have a serious discussion, some
> folks need to take it on themselves to try and troll?
> I've never understood that.
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > "The employee is only the commodity in a world where a Union (or
> > Government) is controlling (trading) people."
> >
> > So, the Union and/or government is the master and the employee is a
> slave.
> >
> > Where have I heard that before?
> >
> > J
> >

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