Well thats what is kinda boils down to...except...

When Israel was created, the Palestinians should have from day one all left, the 
majority who were not living in the west bank and gaza where not forced to leave, if 
they would have forced all the Palestinians to leave from day one, Israel would not be 
having the problem it is having now...instead, the allowed the Palestinians to all 
move into camps, or what is knows as refugee camps and settle there..

so the majority settled in the west bank and Gaza camps or left the country to 
neiphoring arab countries, which was not so much better since the arabs countries did 
not want this flood of people in and killed or trapped most to prevent them from 
entering there country.....those people still live on the borders till now, so what 
Israel did is not as half as bad as what Jordan did to the Palestinians...

In the towns that the Palestinians were forced to leave, there is peace there, arabs 
are a very small minority and controll and own nothing, if Israel from day one did 
this to the entire land, it would not be having these problems...

Its kinda like the way the US dealt with the American Indians, dont get me wrong i 
think its wrong or sad, but it worked, and instead of grouping all the indians in one 
or two areas, they were spread out through the land in small chuncks and slowly 
disappeared, Israel made a mistake by allowing all the refugees to stay in one 
place....and now you have the problem of Gaza and the west bank!!

Just the way i know history, and i lived there for a long time....

 Deanna Schneider wrote:Whew. Thanks, Michael. (Though, those aren't exactly the cliff 
notes. ;) )
The cliff notes for the early years would run more like this (I think):

Originally: Palestine was a chunk of land (Southern Syria) occupied by both
Jews and Arabs, loosely belonging to the Ottoman Empire, who were absentee

Jews purchased land legally from the Ottomans and began improving the land.
Arabs did as well.

No one seems to know for sure what percentage of each group lived there,
though both sides will tell you they know how many, and they were the

Eventually, part of that land was mandated to be Israel (Jewish Homeland).

One day later, Israel was invaded, but won the war after 6 days, gaining
more territory (the West Bank).

Arabs that had lived in the area were angry about this.

(That's about as far as I've gotten in my history lessons.)

Yep. It's a gross simplification. But, I'm just starting to get the gist of
it...so cut me some slack. ;)

Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer

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