Can't ignore the fact that Iraq has the largest oil reserve in the world
next to Saudi. If I were an oil man (as Bush and Cheney are) it would be
hard for me to not quantify the value of what Iraq has to offer. My opinion
is that the vultures have been circling since at least the 70s, but that
it's just now becoming apparent to the general public. Not denying that the
situation isn't more complicated than just the oil, but I do think it's
what's ultimately at the root of the Middle East's struggles, along with
their hard-line grasp to an out of date religion which keeps them in a <
18th century feudal society.

I'm not sure if the World has plenty of oil or not. I hear things like
wanting to drill in Alaska, and Yellowstone and it tends to make me believe
otherwise. I know for a fact that Illinois at one point used to be a fairly
large oil producer, but that it was pretty much sucked dry not long after.
All of these things collectively form my opinion, and certain things seem
obvious to me. Probably not as well read into it as you are though, thanks
for sharing your thoughts - I respect a civil opinion :/


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Scandale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 1:11 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Hello?
> Ya know... the oil actually belongs to Iraq... to the Iraqi 
> people. Currently the Iraqi regime has some control over the 
> money that is earned when the oil is sold... the oil for food 
> routine via the UN sanctions work to some extent however the 
> regime still manages to get their hands on a lot of the 
> money... some of it through smuggling of oil.
> The Russians currently have most of the contracts for 
> supporting the oil producing infrastructure, pumps, pipelines 
> etc... but the real money is in the oil, not the facilities.
> A regime change in Iraq opens the opportunity for a true 
> redistribution of wealth. Currently the general Iraqi 
> population is dirt poor. The money flows only through the 
> regime and their cronies that is all about keeping the regime 
> in power. Therefore most of the GNP is generated through 
> military spending. With a regime change that money generated 
> by the oil can be used for roads, librarys, industrial 
> expansion, the general increase in the standard of living of 
> the typical citizen.  The US will not own the Iraqi oil .... 
> unless of course we take over the country ala the techniques 
> of Saddam when he took over Kuwait for a few months in 1990.
> Truthfully the worlds got plenty of oil right now... the 
> world has been getting along just fine without the oil from 
> Iraq which has been cut way back the last 10 or more years.  
> Venezuela, which supplies 25% of the US oil imports is the 
> real concern now... with their current slide towards civil war.
> At 09:51 AM 12/20/02, you wrote:
> >> I'm not saying it's right or wrong - but let's just be honest 
> >> about our
> >> motivations here.
> >
> >I think that's how most people feel. If Brush would just 
> come out and say
> >"Woo doggie... we're goin in there, crackin some Moslem 
> skulls, and then
> >takin our God given right to all that black gold... woo 
> doggie!!" I would
> >seriously support him more so than I do now.
> >
> >Blah.. Sadaam big threat... war on terror... blah... 
> biological weapons.
> >What a dishonest pussy.
> >
> >Adam.
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 11:32 AM
> >> To: CF-Community
> >> Subject: RE: Hello?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> > 
> >> > Jerry, who supplied him with the means to attack? We were 
> >> > pushing weapons to Sadaam like crazy not even 20 years ago. 
> >> > Must be convenient for the defense industry to sell a bunch 
> >> > of shit, and then 20 years later have to sell a bunch more to 
> >> > combat who they sold to in the first place. That doesn't seem 
> >> > at all backwards?
> >> 
> >> And why are we not all that concerned with the human 
> rights violations
> >> going on in Kuwait?  It's a monarchy not so disimiliar to Iraq in
> >> flavor.  It's treatment of women in particular is awful.  
> This isn't a
> >> kindred spirit we fought to save, folks.
> >> 
> >> Why also are we simply not concerned with other, similar 
> invasions and
> >> violations throughout the world?  Why are we marginally involved in
> >> these many dozens but yet send billions of dollars worth of men and
> >> equipment to save Kuwait?
> >> 
> >> Hmmm... What could it >oil< possibly >oil< be?  How >oil< 
> can we >oil<
> >> rectify this >oil< seemingly randomly >oil< applied foreign policy?
> >> 
> >> I'm not saying it's right or wrong - but let's just be honest 
> >> about our
> >> motivations here.
> >> 
> >> Jim Davis
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >
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