
Checking regularly isn't that big a deal- even if, for example, it was
only done on a map change or death or in "suspicious" cases (20 frags
from one player in a row).  The checksum is a very small value (only a
few hundred bytes at most) and could easily be slipped in.  Since it's
so small the server could easily track the progress of characters - when
a character is "alone" (far away from others) then the request for the
check could be made.

The problem here is that Valve wants the best of both worlds and I doubt
they'll get it: they want the most advanced and easy to use modification
engine ever AND the ability to stop cheaters.  I doubt that you can open
up the guts of your app as much as they want to and stop all cheating.
It'll be interesting to see them try. but I'm really skeptical.

At the very least somebody will determine how to spoof the checksum or
even lower, the checking software.

Jim Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 3:29 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Half-Life 2 Source Code leaked

But they'd have to check regularly, since it could be possible to have
the Steam server validate your software's checksum or something and then

load a 'helper' to facilitate those 100% headshots.

- Jim

Jim Davis wrote:

>I'm not sure if it's that smart.  It would seem, if you want to prevent
>"hacked" copies of the source you could just check CRCs/digital
>signatures on the binary files.  This would work, at least, for the
>Valve shipped maps and such.
>It's the Mod stuff that'll be harder than hell to track - some mods are
>themselves "cheats" that everybody has (low gravity, new weapons, etc).
>Even then however a simple CRC check would determine if everybody on
>map was playing the SAME mod files or if Dan, maybe had a little
>something extra.  ;^)
>All told I wouldn't expect it to be really all that intelligent
>Jim Davis
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 3:03 PM
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: Re: Half-Life 2 Source Code leaked
>I wonder how Steam does it?  I mean, if it's analyzing every packet
>comes through, it'll be a molasses-slow disaster.  On top of that, if
>they can figure out how to mask hacks in legitimate wrappers, it could
>compromise Steam anyway.
>- Jim
>Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC) wrote:
>>Do you know if HL2 will hook into the new Steam system for online
>I thought Steam was supposed to block hacks and such...
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 12:51 PM
>>To: CF-Community
>>Subject: Half-Life 2 Source Code leaked
> &mode=nested&t
>>Doesn't particularly mean someone will compile Half-Life 2 and release

>>it, since it's old code, but I guarantee it'll immediately contribute
>>cheat hacks for multiplayer.  Oh, and the lovely, shattered dream of
>>playing Half-Life multiplayer without [EMAIL PROTECTED] and aimbots.
>>- Jim
>> _____  
>  _____  

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