different (although, how many ways you can say "Hey, did anyone hear
about Microsoft buying Macromedia?") - that "Recently Answered" would be
most useful if it had a link to the discussion as well.
- Jim
Ben Doom wrote:
>"Trollbait" and "Learn to Google"
>Seriously, a "recently answered, check archives" kind of thing would
>probably be good as well.
>Michael Dinowitz wrote:
>>Now that I've got some (forced) free time, I'm going to do a few things:
>>1. finish up all the things on the subscription UI
>>2. Move all the lists into a central DB
>>3. clean up all the urls for a more unified and shorter look
>>4. Set up a way for people to set a thread as being important
>>That last part is the one I wanted to talk about. Which sounds better,
>>voting for a thread or having some higher level 'managers' set a thread as
>>answered or important? What are the categories that you would like to see. I
>>assume answered and important are the top 2, but what about OT (and does it
>>apply here). Are there others that I should think about?
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