Forgoing the complexity (since I'm not writing it!) I would rather see the
ability to vote on a messages than threads (or have them separate, with the
individual message votes contributing in part to the thread score).

A message could be rated, I think, on two aspects: "general applicability"
would be a range of, say, 1 through 5.  It would judge appropriateness,
clarity, etc of the message in the content of the thread and the forum.
Another gauge would be "specific applicability" and could be as simple as a
Boolean "Yes this message answered a question of mine and should be saved"
or another range (tho' I lean towards the former).

Basically you're allowing people to rate a message, but also allowing them
to single out those messages that are immediately useful regardless of the
rank/score of the threads in which they appear.

Some votes should also count more than others.

Voting power would be a combination of specific settings ("This person is an
administrator") and calculated ("This person's messages get very high scores
so we assume their opinion counts more", "This person is very active in the
community", "This person has been on the list for a very long/very short
period of time", etc)

You would use things like seniority, message ratings and what not to create
a (private I think) "respectability" score for the author.  This score would
then determine how much weight to apply to any message reviews made.

Combing the reviews and the respectability scores would result in a score
for each message.  Each thread would then get a score determined by the sum
of its threads, it's length, the respectability score of the original
poster, the average respectability scores of the responders and so forth.

Lastly to make this effective in the world of email I think that you'd need
to provide a simple method for voting within the message themselves (in
other words don't force people to go to the website to vote).  Links at the
bottom of the message would probably do the job very well.

Anyway, that's my opinion. I figure it'll take a man of your caliber, what,
3 or four hours to build that.  ;^)

Jim Davis


From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 11:43 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Important threads

Now that I've got some (forced) free time, I'm going to do a few things:
1. finish up all the things on the subscription UI
2. Move all the lists into a central DB
3. clean up all the urls for a more unified and shorter look
4. Set up a way for people to set a thread as being important

That last part is the one I wanted to talk about. Which sounds better,
voting for a thread or having some higher level 'managers' set a thread as
answered or important? What are the categories that you would like to see. I
assume answered and important are the top 2, but what about OT (and does it
apply here). Are there others that I should think about?

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