One problem with the query builder is that not all of us *can* use it.  CF 
Studio can't authenticate against our Sybase Adapative Server Anywhere 
database (even though it will allow us to view data from the database by 
double-clicking on it).  So I can't use the query builder.  I know that 
there is probably a fix out there, but I find it just about as efficient to 
write the queries by hand or use a third-party tool like infomaker.


At 06:00 PM 4/12/00 -0400, you wrote:
>At 04:32 PM 04/12/2000 Lon Lentz wrote:
> >   However, I use cfstudio for its ability to help me better utilize my 
> time.
> >I disable design view.
> >  But the shortcuts are great. The access and control it gives to your
> >databases is handy. The query
> >  designer (with an ability to build and test a query before you code it) is
> >far too useful not to
> >  use.
>What amazes me is the number of people who consider themselves senior cold
>fusion programmers, and have never used the query builder, or even know
>about it.   Apparently the little build button in the query tag edit has
>completely escaped their attention.
>I cannot imagine trying to code Cold Fusion apps using anything but CF
>Studio.  Kinda like trying to build a house without a hammer or nails.
>Judith Campbell
>Chief Technical Officer
>Digital Positions, Inc.

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