I'll sell you an object you can call from ASP in one line just like
cfmail for $200. Attempting to show that CF is a more rabid development
platform than ASP should be done using one on one examples, not
packaging differences.

Matt Liotta
President & CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
V: 415-577-8070
F: 415-341-8906

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 2:10 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CF vs. ASP
> Matt I think Tony is bang on.  Yes the additinal code may be hidden
> us,
> but because of that fact we can develop faster and reduce development
> costs
> for clients.
> That said I still think it's good to know a few langauges and that's
> I'm
> starting on ASP.NET, Java, and a smidge of PHP to round it
out....geesh I
> sound like a geek don't I ;-)
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> t. 250.920.8830
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Macromedia Associate Partner
> www.macromedia.com
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
> Founder & Director
> www.cfug-vancouverisland.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matt Liotta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 1:47 PM
> Subject: RE: CF vs. ASP
> > Oh please! You're comparing apples to oranges. Just because all of
> > cfmail code is hidden from you; it doesn't mean it isn't there.
> >
> > Matt Liotta
> > President & CEO
> > Montara Software, Inc.
> > http://www.montarasoftware.com/
> > V: 415-577-8070
> > F: 415-341-8906
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 1:35 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: RE: CF vs. ASP
> > >
> > > CASE IN POINT!!!!
> > >
> > >
> > > ************************************
> > > Dim MyMail
> > > Dim MsgText
> > >
> > > Set MsgText = Request.Form("FirstName") + " " +
> > Request.Form("LastName")
> > > + " has requested more information."
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + "Please contact them at " +
> > > Request.Form("Phone")
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("FirstName") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("LastName") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("Addr1") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("Addr2") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("City") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("State") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("ZIP") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("Email") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("Phone") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("Comments") + VBCrLf
> > > Set MsgText = MsgText + Request.Form("NoMkt") + VBCrLf
> > >
> > > Set MyMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
> > > MyMail.From = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > > MyMail.To = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > > MyMail.Subject = "Information Request"
> > > MyMail.BodyFormat = 1 'plain text
> > > MyMail.MailFormat = 1 'plain text
> > > MyMail.Body = MsgText
> > > MyMail.Send
> > > Set MyMail = Nothing
> > > ********************************
> > >
> > >
> > > Compared to this..............
> > >
> > > <cfmail to="" from="" server="" subject="">some stuff
> > here.....</cfmail>
> > >
> > > there is no comparison, the only thing we need to do with asp is
> > it
> > > to CFML
> > > so that our clients get what they deserve!
> > >
> > > ..tony
> > >
> > > Tony Weeg
> > > Senior Web Developer
> > > Information System Design
> > > Navtrak, Inc.
> > > Fleet Management Solutions
> > > www.navtrak.net
> > > 410.548.2337
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Perez, Jimmy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 4:11 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: RE: CF vs. ASP
> > >
> > >
> > > As long as the price is right... :)
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 2:56 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: Re: CF vs. ASP
> > >
> > >
> > > Use the right tool for the job. And if you have to ask if you
> > > keep
> > > all your eggs in one basket then I have a bridge I'd like to sell
> > >
> > > On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Perez, Jimmy wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello all,
> > > >
> > > > I am a CF certified developer (missed advanced by three points)
> > am
> > > thinking of expanding my horizons/marketability.  I have started
> > getting
> > > up to speed in ASP/VBScript but the question keeps coming up:
> > I
> > > even spend any time doing this or should I just concentrate on CF?
> > The
> > > more e-mails I read in this list, the more I realize how powerful
> > is,
> > > but should I keep all my eggs in one basket so to speak?  Any good
> > > advice?
> > > >
> > > > TIA
> > > >
> > > > Jimmy
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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