Thanks to Jason and everyone else who has emailed me off-list; I really appreciate 
your help!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Miller [mailto:millerj@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 2:11 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: SOT: E-Commerce site for Canada
> Matt -
> I just actually dissassembled a canada shipping/ tax piece on 
> one of my 
> clients sites I built.
> Basically here are the elements -
> 1) Broker Fee / Customs and all that - Typically a broker fee is 
> involved - a percentage based fee. Includes a standard 
> federal percetn 
> fee too I believe. If not broker- then I guess jsut the federal - my 
> clients used a Broker to eliminate this guessing.
> 2) Province tax - as much as 15% in Newfoundland
> 3) Exchange Rate
> 4) Your shipping rates - flat rate or carrier
> We applied tax pre-shipping cost - yet the broker fee I 
> beleive needed 
> to be on complete purchase.
> Hope this little bit helps. Feel free to email me off list if 
> you wnat 
> further details.
> jay miller
> P.S. THe rates i have for province are as follows ( please 
> confirm them)
> Province    ProvAbr    TaxRate
> Alberta    AB    7
> British Columbia    BC    14
> Manitoba    MB    14
> New Brunswick    NB    15
> Newfoundland    NF    15
> Northwest Territories    NT    7
> Nova Scotia    NS    15
> Nunavut    NT    7
> Ontario    ON    15
> Prince Edward Island    PE    7
> Quebec    PQ    16
> Saskatchewan    SK    13
> Yukon    YT    7
> Matthew Fusfield wrote:
> >Hi,
> >We are building an e-commerce site that is specifically 
> targeted to a Canadian market. Most of our work has either 
> been US domestic or so international that we use a 3rd party 
> to do the calculations.
> >
> >Anyway, anyone know of or have a quick reference to how 
> sales taxes are calculated in Canada and to what they apply? 
> (ie I believe one of the taxes applies to another tax, and 
> are shipping charges generally taxed?) We are having trouble 
> getting information out of our client that is accurate in this area.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Matt
> >
> >
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