While you're talking about hosting Jacob, I'd suggest either Gearhost.com
(CF hosting as low as $8.95, with mySQL included for as low as $16.95). I
used them for almost 2 years and they were great. Their Control panel is
quite good as well.

Alternately, my company, ICGLink, offers CF hosting for as low as $10 per

Whomever you choose, I do second Jacob's suggestion of shared hosting. It's
the rare company that really needs their own server. Shared hosting can be
extremely economical since you don't have to support the machine, purchase a
CF license and can download a free text editor with CF hooks from the

It's possible to develop in CF for NOTHING, not counting the cost of

andy matthews
web developer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

-----Original Message-----
From: Munson, Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cfm vs. php?

> while i now clearly see the CF light...there's gotta be a
> darkside lurking
> somewhere. yeah? maybe just a little bitty one?

I'll echo the "it's about money" statements, but follow up with a
caveat.  If your needs are simple enough that shared hosting would work
(you don't need a colocated server all to yourself), CF can be pretty
cheap.  You can download a free local development copy of CF server for
all your developers.  Then for production, you use one of the many
hosting companies that offers ColdFusion.  However, I have noticed that
ColdFusion shared hosting is a bit more expensive than PHP
($5-$10/month).  If you want good recommendations on a host, search this
list's archives for 'hosting' and you'll find tons of good advice.


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