What do you mean by Seamless integration with SVN? In HS I can right-click
on a dir and select "Update" or "Commit" from Tortoise and it's done. How
can you be more seamless than that?


On 6/26/07, Brian Kotek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now we're getting somewhere, because I'll be happy to correct most of
> these
> misconceptions.
> On 6/26/07, Wil Genovese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking in the the only place to modify keyboard shortcuts.  The
> > list of CF commands that can be mapped is short.  Maybe you should
> > install HomeSite again (just for fun) and look at all the options that
> > can be customized for keyboard control.  It would be nice if CFEclipse
> > would add the equivalent functionality.  Thank you for the tip on
> > indenting and un-indenting blocks of code.  I'm using it already.
> If you have something specific that you want to map, please list it.
> *Missing actions: (That I know of so far)*
> > 1. The lack of being able to assign a keyboard shortcut to each snippet
> > is still an issue.
> Actually the snippet capabilities in CFE are far superior to the ones in
> HS+
> in my opinion. The problem with the keyboard snippets in HS is two fold:
> first, there are only so many shortcuts you can define due to the number
> of
> keys available, and second, you have to remember the shortcuts. In CFE for
> example, I can type "getset" and hit control-j, and it will prompt me for
> a
> variable name and type. I enter them and press return. A full set of
> getter
> and setter methods for that variable name and type appears in the code
> editor. I can type "arg" and hit control-j, and it spits out a full
> cfargument tag (filled in with my name, type, etc.). I can type "cfc" and
> hit control-j, and a full CFC skeleton is rendered, complete with init()
> method already defined. I can type "v" and hit control-j and "
> variables.instance" appears. I'm sure you see where this is going. Not
> only
> can you have your snippets prompt you for input (or even show you a drop
> down list of options for each value you want to define), but it is FAR
> easier to remember these snippet triggers than remember "control-shift-h"
> or
> something. And you can create an unlimited number of these snippets.
> 2. The fact that you can't select text then use a keyboard shortcut to
> > have a snippet wrap around your selected text is till an issue.  (And
> > yes I  know about the new features in snippets.  They are nice, but at
> > the expense of loosing other just as useful features.)
> You're right, you can't do this because CFE's snippets use some trigger
> text, not a keyboard shortcut. However, I'd argue that the ability to have
> it prompt you for input that you can enter and have your snippet wrap
> around
> is much more useful. You can wrap selected text in a CFML comment, or in
> ',
> ", or # though.
> 3. Select Full Tag.  I use this in HS/CFS all the time.  Can this be
> > done in CFE with a keyboard shortcut?
> I've never used this or wanted to. But no I don't think it will do this.
> You  can jump to matching tag but not select it. However, hold down shift
> and press the down arrow key and you can select entire lines, so unless
> you're selected tag with a ton of stuff in it, selected a block of
> anything
> in CFE is very easy and fast.
> 4. Extended Find/Replace.  I can seem to find a way to do this at all.
> Control-H or the Search menu.  Lots of options including regular
> expression
> search.
> 5. Thanks to Marjolein Katsma, HS/CFS had full featured Tag Editors and
> > Help Documents that covered all the attributes of every tag including
> > identifying items that were W3C complaint and IE or NS only.  The tag
> > editors and Dictionary view are not even near complete in CFE.
> If I type any tag or function it will give me tag insight on it. You can
> right click and hit Edit Tag to get a tag editor window. What exactly is
> not
> complete? It even already has support for the CF8 tags and functions
> (though
> these are obviously still in flux).
> 6. ctrl+< inserted <>  and ctrl+> inserted </>
> How about just pressing "<" which automatically renders "<>".  It will
> also
> automatically insert end tags (close a <cfif> and you get </cfif>). While
> I
> don't see an option for "</>" you could easily make ">" a snippet trigger
> for "</>".
> 7. The ability to create my own tag editors and tag/function insight.
> > Can that be done?
> It certainly can, look at the dictionary folder within the eclipse plugin
> folder. It's all defined in XML.
> 8. The limited help in the Dictionary View is a problem.  I do not even
> > try to remember every attribute to every function in CF.  I know the
> > ones I use regularly and the rest I look up when needed.  I do make a
> > point on knowing what functions exist so I know what is built into CF
> > before I try to re-invent the wheel.
> When I type "ListFindNoCase(" it completes the ")" and brings up full tag
> insight saying:
> ListFindNoCase(
> list, String
> value, String,
> [delimiters, String, ","]
> )
> Determines the index of the first list element in which a
> specified value occurs
> Further, if I fill in the first arguments, say "myList" and hit ",", it
> prompts me again but only for the remaining arguments. I would hope this
> would be enough help for the vast majority of circumstances.
> 9. In HS/CFS we could write Javascript or VBscript action that could be
> > executed in HS/CFS itself and access the HS/CFS API layer.  Many people
> > wrote some great new functions that extended HS/CFS to great new
> > levels.  Can anything like this be done in Eclipse with out actually
> > being a plug in creator.  One example was a javascript extension to
> > HS/CFS that would let you delete and entire tag including it's end tag
> > with out affecting it's contents.
> This is certainly possible but yes, it does require knowledge of Java.
> Since
> I never wrote an JS or VB customizations to HS but rather used those made
> by
> others, I do the same in Eclipse. In other words, I don't care if the
> language used to script the IDE is JS or Java. Though to be fair, I've
> looked at the Eclipse API and it actually not very complicated, they've
> set
> it up with extendability in mind.
> 10. The ability to defined which tags have tag completion and to setup
> > tag complete and tag insight for custom tags.
> Again, this can be done much more easily using a custom snippet which
> prompts you for whatever you want it to.
> and the list can continue.
> Since I've shown that all of these issues are either not actually issues
> or
> can be mimicked in CFEclipse with minimal effort, feel free to keep the
> list
> coming.
> In the interest of fairness, lets also have a look at a very short list of
> things that CFEclipse can do that Homesite (or Dreamweaver) cannot:
> 1. Seamless integration with Subversion
> 2. Integrated Unit Test execution
> 3. ANT integration (this alone is an incredibly powerful and underused
> capability)
> 4. Integrated frameworks browser (much easier than looking at a 1000 line
> Mach-II config file)
> 5. Integrated task management
> 6. Integrated diff
> 7. Editing environments for JavaScript, Java, CFML, Ruby, Flex, UML, XML,
> PHP, and just about any other language imaginable
> 8. Thousands of extensions
> and the list can continue...;-)
> Thank you,
> >
> > --
> > Wil Genovese
> >
> > One man with courage makes a majority.
> > -Andrew Jackson
> >
> > A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
> >
> >
> >
> > Brian Kotek wrote:
> >
> >
> >

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