I would think that large corporations place great value on products
whose use adheres to a strict "chain-of-accountability" for performance
rather than open source software, which from my limited point-of-view,
belongs to no one and, therefore, offers "fuzzy" accountability.

Now, realize, I've used MySQL for years without issue, but I'm also not
a large corporation. (*that*'s an understatement! :o)

And for those of you who could point to my ignorance as an example of
the mind-set of corporate decision-makers who are ultimately accountable
for the performance of software and its impact on their company, realize
that decision-makers need to work with vendors who can provide software
and services that fit within the comfort zone of said corporate
not software that *may* be technically superior but lacks an accountable
who fits within a "chain-of-accountability".  (And this statement isn't in
to the MySQL / SQL Server debate, as I've never used SQL Server)

As a corporate head, would I trust my IT staff, programmers, etc., even if
knew better than I (which I would certainly hope they do), to each do what
thought was best concerning what software
and vendors my department would do business with, when my job would be on
line for their decisions?  Not a chance... If the buck stops here, then all
decisions run through here.

And I doubt than anyone on this list, who has anyone working for them,
trusts all decisions they make without oversight and approval of their
and software in use.

It's just the nature of business, it seems, that big businesses like working
big businesses.  Less efficient?  perhaps... More costly?  perhaps... more
probably... Sleeping soundly at night is worth a lot of money...

Just some thoughts...


-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:schneeg...@internetique.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 11:14 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Stung by HostMySite price increase?

 >>Most of the companies I work for INSIST on *everything* Microsoft
because in their eyes, *only* Microsoft is suitable for stuffed shirt
corporate work.

True, And IMHO the only reason is the incompetence of managers.
The bigger the organization is, the higher the decision maker is,
And the higher the decision maker is, the less he knows about software 
tools and hardware.
Finally, the more incompetent he is, the more he needs to protect 
himself in case of any trouble.
So, if he can say "I chose Micosoft for software, the biggest in the 
world, and IBM for hardware,
the biggest of the world..." he thinks he cannot be wrong.

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