On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> It's just the nature of business, it seems, that big businesses like working
> with
> big businesses.  Less efficient?  perhaps... More costly?  perhaps... more
> comforting?
> probably... Sleeping soundly at night is worth a lot of money...

But it's all an illusion!

If my IT staff knew better than me, HELL YES I would go with what they
thought, vs. what *I* thought.  That's my butt on the line! =]

If the project sucks, it's not gonna matter what it's using to suck.

I guess the main difference is that *maybe* you could sue Microsoft or
whatever, but suing some large software company doesn't sound like
warm fuzzies to me.  =)

Hrm.  Catch 22.  Small companies don't have much $$$, and large
companies have much $$$, and much lawyers.

If the quality of the support and accountability from software giants
just knocked my socks off, maybe I'd be singing a different tune.  It
hasn't so far.

And with open source, you can do things like write your own engine for MySQL:


Plus, you can do distributed computing with open source projects
without paying X amount of $ per CPU.  I'd guess that's part of why
some of the Big Boys use open source vs. something else (they have
lots and lots of CPUs).  They may have to do stuff like code towards
their chosen software's strengths, tho.  Alas, don't we all.

MS is cool because so many MS products tie-in with each other at a low
level.  Which is also why it sucks, and why I wish our government
didn't use it as it's main OS.  Didn't we learn anything from
Battlestar Galactica?!?  But I'm digressing even further. :)

Eh.  Nothing's perfect.  Or maybe everything is, just how it is, like
Mr. Rogers says.

Yeah, I'm rolling with Mr. Rogers.

The world is full of women blindsided by the unceasing demands of
motherhood, still flabbergasted by how a job can be terrific and
    Anna Quind

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