Yes, my experience, since July 2008 has been very good.
Perhaps 3 outages in over 2.5 years. Twice it was very
short periods, one from an outside attack and another
upgrades they were doing that affected the VPS.

A third time, my server was just using too much memory
and needed to be refreshed.

And, while I typically use their trouble ticket system
for problems, I have talked to them over the phone and
the number is listed right on the top of the pages.  The
phone number is part of the header graphic, so that may be
why you're not aware of it.

I see they've also added live chat to the support options,
which I will make use of from now on as my first option.

Always had good response and good performance!

I manage my server over remote desktop connection, however,
and don't use any of the management tools.


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Tomlinson [] 
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 1:58 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Experiences

 Beyond this they seem to be a good company although I'm a little 
>squeemish about there not being telephone tech support available. That's
>impression I get from viewing their Web Site. Any feedback will be very
>Peter Donahue

My experience with them sucked. My hosting setup was a bit rocky. The
support was ok, but reported site down messages to me
almost every day, multiple times a day. I don't know how Rick is doing well
with them, he must've gotten the magical kickassvps account.

I use viviotech now. No, it isn't a discount host, but they're rock solid
from top to bottom. It's been a pleasure dealing with them for over a year

Oh, and my aremysitesup has been extremely quiet the entire time. 

my .02


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