
>Most developers should know how to install ColdFusion, it is dead simple to
>begin with, maintaining it well that is another story.

If your premise is that we are talking about developers who are running a setup 
where each person has a local CF server on his/her machine, then I would agree 
that it might very well be beneficial for developers to be able to diagnose and 
fix issues with their own server, without having to wait for the IT department.

>Lost productivity is worse when all developers share and code off the same
>server, whether you want to believe that or not. But like you said it was
>5-6 years ago, so a revisit might be a good thing.

If you are talking from personal experience, having run both types of setups in 
parallel (either at the same time or at least under as similar conditions as 
possible, in terms of time, tasks, complexity etc) - then this is indeed 
valuable insight.

However, if I went to my CEO with such a broad and general claim, he would 
immediately demand that I back it up with hard evidence - which I would have a 
terrible time doing. Without concrete evidence, I don't know how I would lobby 
in favor of the company spending the time and money, in changing our current 

With that being said, if I was to setup up development from scratch tomorrow 
and I could choose either of the two setups (the current setup was already 
firmly in place when I joined the company in 2005) - I would probably also 
favor the setup where each developer runs his/her own server and can develop 

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