Hard evidence, I will give you the worst case scenario.

Joe has opened a file and begun working on a file, in your current setup
that means the file will be locked from other developers, now he has gone
to lunch and within 5 minutes another developer needs to make changes to
that file. While one developer waits for Joe to return he can't test his
changes, as he is waiting for that one file to be unlocked to finish his
current task.

Also, when developers are modifying off the same code base on the same
server, developers tend to introduce problems to other developers and they
end up trying to fix phantom bugs or spend time finding a problem that just
magically goes away when the the other developer realizes that he screwed

I could go on and on, but that last one is the worst one of them all. There
is nothing worse than trying to fix something that another developer
introduced and then fixed and sent you trying to see what you did wrong
only to find out that the other developer later fixed it. Yes this does
still happen in a revision control system, but rule of thumb is that any
code should not be committed until the developer has fixed the code and ran
his/her unit tests and once they have merged and and tested again then they
should commit the completed task back to the source repository.

Seriously I think you should have a good think about this for a minute or
maybe five, I had the same argument with a job I worked in some time ago.
Where I was chasing phantom bugs and wasting my time fixing things in a
similar situation, and the testers also testing on this, means they report
bugs that really aren't there, makes for so much loss of productivity it is
not funny.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

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