On 15/05/2010 6:21 PM, Steve Onnis wrote:
Nope its not what matters. If it was then we wouldn't have framwork pushers
now would we :P

Steve! That's sacrilege! :-)

As a non-framework person, except our own of course, I enjoy the various folk that have decided to use one framework rather than another and then get evangelistic about it. But frameworks rule!(according to the fans)

In reality I have always had dilemmas about frameworks, none cover all bases so you need to know more than one and then "why bother?". I was impressed with FW/1 with its description at WebDU last week, so Phil you have to keep up the good work, as a tool to have a "non-interventionist" framework but we had the problem recently in terms of a tool we have been using in-house for many years now, our own CMS. We have decided to go Open Source with it but like all internal "products" it is full of all sorts of silly stuff and in our case it was used in the early days by our trainees to hone their CF skills so has some seriously silly things there. In the years since then it has evolved and is now used for some serious websites but as it grew we felt we were following down the same path that FarCry followed, a CMS that turned into a framework. So we have steered away from that: "we are not a framework!" :-) FarCry is great, why duplicate it?

Well we didn't, it is not a framework (INAF, can I copyright that?). We call the beast SLCMS (choose you own acronym for the SL bit but officially it is Simple Light (from a users perspective)) and even though we have not yet released it yet as Open Source in the sense that we are still tidying it up in our spare time you can find it at: http://svn.slcms.net/codebase/ (having watched the brilliant session on git at WebDU we have just moved to Mercurial (interesting how one thing leads to another) but we will keep the SVN version current once we get to a release version.)

Chad, see what you have started? You haven't changed :-)



Kym Kovan

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