On 27/05/2010, at 11:59 AM, mpicker wrote:

> We still haven't been able to fill your web developer position (for
> those playing at home, Justin left here years ago), despite 3 or 4
> rounds of advertising.  We only just finished another round.

One of our contractors (lots of Flex and some CF experience) is based in 
Bathurst and hails from Dubbo*, send me a job description offline.

On the other hand the whole point of CF is that it's easy to pick up, why not 
get someone experienced in another web langugage like PHP and train them up - 
if they're good they should start being useful after a few days. That's where 
new CF developers come from (Just in case you missed that talk with your 


* I actually used to live at the south end of Obley Rd, in fact so south that 
it was in Cumnock, sort of a satellite town of Dubbo...
Chief Technology Officer

RocketBoots Pty Ltd
Level 11
189 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone +61 2 9323 2507
Facsimile +61 2 9323 2501
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