Herman Robak wrote:

 "Works for me" promotes inaction.  It is a statement telling that
you have no itch to scratch.  Let me quote what Andraz Tori said to
me a couple of years ago: "We need more developers to start using
Cinelerra, and get so _irritated_ that they will work on it."

 Hear hear!

I for one I'm SO irritated I'd like to contribute, but the learning curve to do so is beyond me (or I'm ignorant or something).

I do some wikipedia and such editing. What I am dreaming of, and this for ALL open source stuff, would be contextual help that would point to a wiki. The way it works is, you need help, your mouse over that goobledigook button allows you (not by default) to jump to the corresponding entry in a wiki. Then it's simple. It's either there (great, you now learned, you move on), or you are so irritated it's not there that you can, pretty much painlessly and at a lower life form level, contribute and fill the hole when you find out the answer.

No, I couldn't code my way into building the interface unless there were really good chocolate at the end and someone fed my family for a while.

The problem with Cine and a bunch of other stuff around X is that there just isn't the kind of simple and dirty help that us basic users need. The button or menu option-to-wiki does this. it can also open that; these are the default settings for this feature; this is what happens if you mess with those settings. Mousing over would simply show the name of the whatever (this pretty much exist) but you'd have an option to go right from there to a popup connection to the wiki.

Currently man wikis do exist, but the interface is not humane, you need to jump to and fro, sometimes go hunting in the night to figure the connection between a particular feature on the program and its decription in the manual.

Hey, this would be such a breakthrough in human interface for so much prosumer soft! I should patent it. just kidding. :-)


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