On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:53:28 +0200, Gordon JC Pearce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 10:31 +0100, mark carter wrote:

Cinelerra is hard to grasp intuitively first off (not intended as a
slight), but combined with the whole segfaulting stuff, people are just

I haven't had a segfault in about a year of extensive Cinelerra use.
Either you're doing something very strange or I've been very lucky.

 Let's face it... Even if a majority of the users say "works for me",
a few percents being in a world of hurt will cause endless bitching.

 "Works for me" promotes inaction.  It is a statement telling that
you have no itch to scratch.  Let me quote what Andraz Tori said to
me a couple of years ago: "We need more developers to start using
Cinelerra, and get so _irritated_ that they will work on it."

 We would all rather not put up with bitching from users who have
problems we either think are trivial or have never experienced
ourselves.  But I believe that those who can code need to know
about other users' frustrations, not just their own.  Otherwise,
Cinelerra stands little chance of ever fullfilling its potential.

Please don't just sit there bitching on "oooh it crashes,it's buggy, it segfaults" without filing a bug.

 I will not demand that a user behaves like a model citizen of
the Free Software community to be allowed to vent his frustrations.
That will only lead to inbreeding: We end up with people who know
a lot about FOSS etiquette and much less about professional video
and audio production.

 Once a user has vented, he shall be told to file a bug, of course. :->
But without the finger-pointing "why did you not file a bug?", please.
That just adds to the aggravation.

If there's a problem, the developers
need to know about it in a way that will help them fix it.


Herman Robak

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