As noted by the others, I would seriously consider
this request under the guise of the company and
position. Unless you have verbally told them your
current salary there is no reason to provide this now
- and if you did provide a verbal on this information
then either they don't believe you or their policy
doesn't believe you. Either way, trust is hard to earn
when it has been lost. With the market soooo hot right
now, this is too much. BTW - I've turned down two
positions that have asked for too much and NEVER
regreted either choice (one wanted 1040s!)

Good luck.

--- Kenneth Lorenzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless you're dying to have the job, I think you
> should tell them that you
> are not going to tell them how much you're making
> right now. Like other guys
> have said, this is one way for them to cheap out on
> you. This potentially
> tells a lot about the potential employer, too.
> "Stephane Wantou Siantou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote in message
> >
> > Hey Guys,
> > I recently had an interview with a company that
> requires proof of
> > my previous salary.  I don't want to show them
> anything about my
> > previous salary.  How do you think I can go about
> it?
> > Thanks
> >
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Robert Padjen

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