John Hardman wrote:


Well lets start out by saying I have worked with FR for many years, so let
me share my pain with you.

First, FR is not redundent, and in and of it's self can not be made
redundent. There are several things one can do to help bring up the "up
time" with a FR network.


4) Full or partial mess network.

JMcL: OK, I *know* it's a typo, but it's a very appropriate one :-)

[more snipped]

Back on topic, and just so this post isn't a complete waste of bandwidth...
it's probably not relevant to this situation, but your provider *may* offer
redundant PVCs, so that if the remote frame relay access dies, a secondary
PVC to a different access will kick in.  Down here the redundant PVC is
charged at about 10% of the regular rate and is not usable except in
failover situations.  Another possibility - probably not what you need, but
it may be useful to somebody else.


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