How many MD's in the world?  A lot!  Still worth pursuing, though.

----- Original Message -----
From: victor delta 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: CCIE depreciation in 2 years [7:1882]

> For those that care to ponder such things and need a diversion from
> their focus on studying:
> I think what Jim Brown really meant to say was....
> "Six went in and  five came out.......only one was allowed to stay in.",
> both literally and figuratively!
> If that doesn't say it all, then just try to imagine being a member of
> a/any prestigious group whose members number only 6000/12000 or even
> To all the nay sayers about the certification alone (irrespective of the
> value of the learning exercise and knowledge gained), I challenge you to
> go and accomplish it first, then opinions about relative current and/or
> future value are respectfully solicited and appreciated.
> This writer, for one, will keep on striving to attain the CCIE status
> and is not to overly bothered by the increased numbers.
> Are there others who possibly know as much....more.....are as
> capable.....more capable.....smarter, better looking, more affable,
> loved by all......oh almost forgot, make one hell of a lot more money!
> etc. etc. etc. than certificated CCIEs, you bet.  However I would
> venture to say that their numbers are at a magnitude of 100+ times less
> than the former.
> I have had and continue to share the privilege of membership in select
> I'm certain do many of the less vocal participants of
> this forum.  For those that need it said, it is well worthwhile the
> effort.
> I encourage my fellow colleagues and peers that are with me on the
> journey, as I know from the comments in this forum they encourage me,
> and I applaud and respect their success as I believe they will value
> mine.
> As they $0.02 worth.
> Now back to the studies!
> VD
> Jim Brown wrote:
> > I do it because I love to learn, not for the money. The money is nice,
> > but
> > if that is your only reason then you are in the wrong business. If you
> > just
> > want the money there are plenty of other professions that pay more
> > with the
> > same intelligence factor.
> >
> > CNE, MCSE, CCIE.... all of these certifications are or were in high
> > demand
> > and it seems like there is always something on the horizon. If the
> > CCIE
> > becomes less valuable there will be something bigger and better but I
> > won't
> > sit around a wait on it. How many times have you heard it is in the
> > journey
> > and not the destination?
> >
> > The materials are better, more people are interested, so you have more
> >
> > individuals passing. Attaining the CCIE is only the beginning and
> > if/when I
> > receive my number it doesn't mean the learning stops. There are
> > probably
> > around 6,000 worldwide active CCIE's. If that number doubles it is
> > still a
> > unique thin crowd.
> >
> > Regarding difficulty you still here the stories of "six went in and
> > only one
> > came out". I don't think it is any easier today than it was in past.
> > You
> > just have more people sitting the exam. This is evident with the
> > backlog. I
> > believe approximate the same percentage are passing 14%-17%?
> >
> > I look at what I thought I knew six years ago and I'm astonished where
> > I am
> > today. Everyday that goes by I realize how much I don't know and
> > that's what
> > drives me on.
> >
> > I do it because I love it. If the market is saturated then I will have
> > more
> > people to talk shop with and that ain't such a bad thing.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tennesee Stud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:29 AM
> > Subject: CCIE depreciation in 2 years [7:1882]
> >
> > I was wondering what others thought about the CCIE.  It seems to me
> > now that
> >
> > there are so many books and training materials geared towards the
> > CCIE, it
> > is making it easier to obtain the CCIE.  With a steady diet of the
> > right
> > books ( which everyone seems to agree on) and hands on time with
> > routers and
> >
> > switches ( which to me is the only obstacle), it does not seem as
> > difficlut
> > as it proclaimed (and I think most people see that).My opinion is the
> > CCIE
> > will be devalued  considerably in the next few years (As far as salary
> > is
> > concerned as well as prestige)  As others have pointed out, the CCIE
> > population is growing at a faster rate (routing and switching), and
> > even
> > though the demand is high for the CCIE now, I think in 2 years there
> > will be
> >
> > a difference in the way the industry views CCIE's....
> >
> > .02 thats all
> >
> > Tennesee Stud
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