At what location are you taking your Cisco Academy classes??

Just curious;
 I have a friend that is also taking the classes, and I was quite surprised
at the layout (content) of the courses for each semester.  Though, after
thinking about it, I think the Cisco Academy format is probably the best way
to learn how to become a Cisco Engineer at the CCNP+ level.  I just don't
agree with how drawn out it is over so, so many college semesters.  I
personally think that most individuals could and should be able to master
CCNP level material in 9 months or less.  The biggest challenge for anybody
is the math involved in the IP address subnetting, VLSM, and Access-Lists.
Once you get past that, I think the rest is a no-brainer, as you
more-or-less just have to learn a laundry list of rules on how each protocol
is implemented, how they work with each other, and why.

Now, that's not to mean that I think that within 9 months or less, those
same engineers would be CCIE level networking experts (in my opinion at
least).  Learning in-depth practices for some of the protocols (OSPF, IS-IS,
BGP, SNA, DECnet, Vines, etc.) that there isn't much "field" practice
impressed upon, is a totally different ball game.  For some of these
protocols, you simply can only rely on On-the-Job experience, as it's a
little difficult at best to emulate at home a Mainframe, or a Vines
server/client environment (just as an example).

Just my 00000010 cents worth :)

Mark Odette II
StellarConnection Services

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: cisco academy's routing skills final ,tough!!! [7:29212]

Just a message to those who (like me!) thinking that reading, doing labs and
taking multiple choice test will prepare you for the real world and
(hopefully)the CCIE lab need to be exposed to cisco's network accademy
semester 5 skills final . I just took it yesterday and failed . In fact the
whole class failed!!!!.

One of our students who scored high on most test and blazed through the
final written exam in 10 mins, walked out in frustration .
Another student who works as an administrator, was are best chance of having
someone pass missed it . I myself knew after an hour that if you don't have
those commands down cold with a solid understanding of how to implement them
your GOOSE is cooked !!! . You do have the option to have your own written
notes to help but that might weigh you down if too much is in front of you .
Working on idividual labs is one thing but putting the whole environment
together is a whole different animal .

Once given the actual skills asessment designing, implementing and trouble
shooting you assume that this ones in the bag . The environment wasn't large
and looking back at the running config's there wasnt much to them other than
having MED and CBAC . Ah!!! but how wrong I was!!! I'll spare the details
and say that this was an eye opener . It showed me what I really don't know
and to do the job in the real world will take a lot work on my part .

Buyer Beware !!!

Overall it was good to go through and to be pushed just shows the weak areas
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