You are touching one of the right buttons Larry.

I feel that customer service had gone down hill for several years now. I
even had a discussion with a guy from my providers NOC this morning, where
he had an attitude, and called me for not cooperating with them.

I have three offices in Houston and one in Dallas that are with this
provider on Frame Relay, and I was told that the three Houston offices could
get on Zoned Frame Relay, because they would all go on the same metro ring,
but that the Dallas office could not.

However, my problem this morning with a downed circuit between two Houston
offices, they told me was caused by a cut on a SONET ring in Dallas.

I questioned that, and asked him to explain how that was possible, and he
got rude and I could hear him discuss with a colleague that they were
wasting their time on me.

I am not a SONET expert, but if two offices has a PVC on a metro ring, they
should not be affected by a SONET problem in another city - or am I wrong
here ???

Also, in accordance to the SONET ring specification, it says that they are
bidirectional, and they will change you from one ring to another in
milliseconds in case of a cut, so the user should never see anything.

I appreciate any comments.



 Ole Drews Jensen
 Systems Network Manager
 RWR Enterprises, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Puckette, Larry (TIFPC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 10:24 AM
To: 'Ole Drews Jensen'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Anyone Higher? - FR Uptime [7:30920]

Having read many of the replies to this topic, I'm curious to why my biggest
frustration with service providers hasn't been addressed. 

We have been an AT&T shop for many years and I have been involved since we
first started using their service. In the beginning we had an excellent
account team that included a person to escalate repair issues to. And that
person actually took the ball and ran with it, pressing the issue toward
completion. They have degraded so far that I truly believe that they have no
intention of getting anything fixed during the late night hours. Also, they
no longer even have account teams that are employed directly with AT&T but
are contracted. Overall, my question to this string is; does any company
still seem to care about repair issues and customers satisfaction within
that realm?


Larry Puckette
Network Analyst CCNA,MCP,LANCP
Temple Inland

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Ole Drews Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Friday, January 04, 2002 8:32 AM
Subject:        Anyone Higher? - FR Uptime [7:30920]

During the years I have been administering frame relay, I have been dealing
with four different providers and four different telco's, but I have so far
not seen any circuit being up for a long time without problems.

I believe that the longest I have seen a f.r. circuit being up is about a
little less the half a year, and one of our providers had an average of
downing one of our circuit every 1.5 months.

We have four circuits (three branch offices and one corp.) with a provider,
and all three branch offices has now been down once (at different dates) in
less than four months.

So, I am looking for a possitive story in the Frame Relay world. Who can
with a smile tell me about a frame relay connection that has been up for a
year or more - or would that be totally sci-fi???

I am getting SOOOOOOOOO frustrated and irritated that I have to deal with so
much trouble with "simple" WAN connections.



 Ole Drews Jensen
 Systems Network Manager
 RWR Enterprises, Inc.

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