Craig Columbus wrote:

> Am I the only one who finds it troubling that this company has,
> copied Cisco's proprietary designs and is selling them as their own?

Your concerns are reasonable, however, cisco is big, they're majorly
profitable, and they have access to the best lawyers money can buy. If
futurewei / huawei were ripping them off, we'd hear about it pronto.

This should be good news to us, that another company is making
products that we can use with only a short learning curve. If the
router  and switch CLI is similar to IOS, great. Back a few years,
when IBM 370 assembly language was king-boss of the hill, companies
like NCR (Comten) used a 370-like command set to market their
products. Things like this happen all the time. We should celebrate
that we're already familiar with the user interface for futurewei.

Unless I hear otherwise from the lawyer types, I'm going to pursue any
and all products that are cisco-like, inexpensive, etc., in addition
to the tried-and-true cisco equipment I already use.

-- TT

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