On Mar 19, 2009, at 7:53 AM, e wrote:

> Can't you already do this with:
> (let [[a b c] [1 a 3]]
>  (prn a b c))
> if, indeed you can, that seems to violate the very interesting,  
> recent discussion Rich initiated that someone recoined as the  
> Property Design Pattern.  So, on one hand, having let process args  
> lazily is consistent with the spirit of the language, but on the  
> other hand dealing with two arrays where orders have to line up  
> isn't.  Since maps are prefered over pairs of vectors, seems like  
> the map notation is "better"?

A more fundamental question than how best to do it is - who needs  
this? Does someone have a real need for parallel let? Theoretical  
arguments about it being clearer (can't have dependencies) aside,  
after all most let binding lists are short and certainly local,  
where's a compelling use case for more syntax here?

So far it seems like sequential let has proven a useful default, and  
I'd rather have one let than two. SML has only sequential let.


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