On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:04:10 +1200 you wrote:
 > [10:59] <BlakJ|Wrk> ./motd paris*
 > [10:59] <BlakJ|Wrk> Permission Denied: You're not an IRC operator
 > Any reason why motd was part of the pl14/15 mods?
 > Remote MOTD would be useful to guests I should think.
 We did the same with ircd-hybrid-7. One of the ideas of
 server hiding is that you should not be able to determine
 whether a server has disconnected from the network
 temporarily so you cannot watch who splits off, and knowing
 what server split off, deduce what server the people who
 split off are on. Of course, you could just put a client on
 every server to determine what server split, but it is at
 least significantly more difficult to work out what server
 people are on and hence DoS that server.
 Obviously, if you allow remote MOTD and a server splits off,
 unless you cache the MOTD for every server on the network,
 you must disable remote MOTD or you could just do a remote
 MOTD to decide if a server has split off.

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