At the risk of getting involved in a flame war;  I can see 'power hungry' 
becoming a fairly subjective term.
If you have serious complaints about the conduct of an oper, logs and 
allegations need to go to the admin concerned.

Where the admin is abusive, the data needs to go to one of the other admins 
who can decide what should be done.

I dont agree with pl14/15 at all; and I dont agree with anyone abusing 
their power as an oper; but I do believe that this network is run by the 
opers/admins, free of charge to our users; if they choose to remove someone 
from the network, or mode a channel, its ultimately their call to 
make.  Theyre trusted to do it right - users should not be able to question 
this.  They go elsewhere if they dont like it.

Undernet opers *do* have accountability, to their admins. Admins have 
accountability to the network as a whole.

On the whole ive found Undernet to be the best network I have experienced, 
because of the significant number of *decent* people in positions of 
responsibility.   And no, I havnt been sucked in. I have an o:line on 
another network as well...

If we have abusive admins/opers has it been reported?
If the answer is no, we have no right to make blanket statements about this 
- I know too many even-handed opers to consider this statement fair.

Mark (BlakJak)

At 08:21 20/08/2001 -0600, Matthew S . Hallacy wrote:
>On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 07:45:09AM -0500, Stacy Brown wrote:
> > Complain all you want, guys, but the fact is that no server had delinked
> > due to DoS since most of the servers have upgraded to pl14/pl15.  Only
> > sandiego* has delinked during that time, and it was due to the company
> > merging.  At least one server will be returning only when all have gone to
> > pl15.
> >
>Uhm, as if your CFV had anything to do with it, I can't wait until
>the next round comes along and you start blaming it on something else that
>you want to attack and have made oper only, the stench of power hungry
>admins and operators on this network is overwhelming.
>Let me say it again, you will NOT be able to stop DoS attacks on *any* network
>until you remove the power hungry operators/admins, stop the abuse from those
>opers/admins, and make those opers/admins responsible for what they do. 
>knows abuse@ goes to /dev/null. Even the servers/admins that do not wish to
>contribute to the abuse are forced to, because of the rest of the network.
>I can understand that some of the more naive people believe they're really
>doing some good, but people like you are a little more intelligent than that.

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