
*** Permission Denied:  You're not an IRC operator
*** asfwefwef* No such server

things like these only work if you make error-messages equal wether a
server is linked or not. The only thing the patch has accomplished now is
that you can't do a remote MOTD. It does not add any protection as you can
easily see if a server is linked or not because the error message differs.

It's nice to have ideas but just removing everything that might be
possibly a problem without putting much thought in how you remove it is
totally worthless. Personally I'm not really a fan of the approach that
has been used in pl14/pl15. We're obviously overdoing it.

BLMet / Admin Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.Org

Dirk Moerenhout ///// System Administrator ///// Planet Internet NV

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Andrew Miller wrote:

>  On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:04:10 +1200 you wrote:
>  > [10:59] <BlakJ|Wrk> ./motd paris*
>  > [10:59] <BlakJ|Wrk> Permission Denied: You're not an IRC operator
>  >
>  > Any reason why motd was part of the pl14/15 mods?
>  > Remote MOTD would be useful to guests I should think.
>  We did the same with ircd-hybrid-7. One of the ideas of
>  server hiding is that you should not be able to determine
>  whether a server has disconnected from the network
>  temporarily so you cannot watch who splits off, and knowing
>  what server split off, deduce what server the people who
>  split off are on. Of course, you could just put a client on
>  every server to determine what server split, but it is at
>  least significantly more difficult to work out what server
>  people are on and hence DoS that server.
>  Obviously, if you allow remote MOTD and a server splits off,
>  unless you cache the MOTD for every server on the network,
>  you must disable remote MOTD or you could just do a remote
>  MOTD to decide if a server has split off.

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