It appears that so far very few people have taken the time to understand
what it is Hidden is reporting.  When I look at the log he sent along, I
see him issuing one set of four bans.  The mode messages that get sent
out, however, are two sets, the first of 3 bans, all removed, and the
second of 4 bans, all added--and the order is incorrect.  If you mentally
process the bans as he shows, you end up with 4 bans on the channel when
in fact there is only one--the last one in his sequence.  (You also see
bans removed that weren't present in the first place.)

What he has reported is in fact a bug--ircu should not behave in this
fashion.  There's a slim chance that it is a bug in his client, but I
would place the probability of that being the case at about 5-10%--no
client I know of keeps track of the channel's ban list.

My original question stands: What server version displays this behavior?
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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