At 04:36 11/12/2001, you wrote:


>I tried to set up an example and I observed somethign else entirely:
>[16:29] -> *x* ban #zonefive *!~blah@*
>[16:29] -X- Added ban *!~blah@* to #zonefive at level 75
>Ok, so I have 1 ban set:
>[16:29] -> *X* lbanlist #zonefive *
>[16:29] -X- *** Ban List for channel #zonefive ***
>[16:29] -X- #zonefive *!~blah@* Level: 75
>[16:29] -X- ADDED BY: BlakJak (No Reason)
>[16:29] -X- SINCE: Tue Dec 11 04:29:36 2001
>[16:29] -X- EXP: 0 days, 02:59:57
>[16:29] -X- *** END ***
>So then I put a ban which masks the first one:
>[16:29] -> *x* ban #zonefive *!~*@*.com
>[16:29] -X- Added ban *!~*@*.com to #zonefive at level 75
>Then I check the banlist.
>[16:29] -> *X* lbanlist #zonefive *
>[16:29] -X- *** Ban List for channel #zonefive ***
>[16:29] -X- #zonefive *!~*@*.com Level: 75
>[16:29] -X- ADDED BY: BlakJak (No Reason)
>[16:29] -X- SINCE: Tue Dec 11 04:29:44 2001
>[16:29] -X- EXP: 0 days, 02:59:57
>[16:29] -X- *** END ***
>There should be two bans - nowhere is it indicated that the first ban was
>removed.  The second ban masks the first one, yes, so therefore the earlier
>one would be redundant, but what if they had different expiries?


Actually i tested something because i was afraid ...
ie .. i was afraid that putting a ban at level 500 / 336 hours on *!*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
could be overriden by a lower ban (by a lower op) on *!*this@is.* for example.
Hopefully this is not the case.

Which means bans seems to get overriden only if the new "more covering" ban
is set at a level equal or higher.

that doesnt answer but that an interesting information isnt it ? ;P


>Both should be able to co exist, and they should be able to be removed
>individually. Old X let us do this. :P
>And Kev, to answer your query - this is on production Undernet, with X - I
>assume pl16/pl17 generation servers... Hidden would know which server he uses.
>My tests were on Mclean*, u2.10.10.pl15.
>*swats Nighty on the head on his way out*

                            nighty - Undernet IRC Operator
                               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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