> I was going to reply to the other mails, but I see you understood so there's
> no need :)
> The version of the server is:
> u2.10.10.pl15. Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org B64eEFfHIKMpStUW

I'm afraid that we're not going to really be able to fix the bug in the
u2.10.10 series.  As indicated in other email, the bug has been corrected
in u2.10.11, but that required a complete and total rewrite of the mode
parser.  It might be possible to hack a fix in u2.10.10, but it would be
totally different from the solution used in u2.10.11, and it would involve
changing set_mode().  I don't know about you, but I'm hesitant to try
fixing a 970-line function.

Thanks for reporting the bug; sorry we won't be able to fix it :/

> I use mIRC 5.91 and here's the output in telnet:
> :Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org NOTICE hidd :on 9 ca 1(4) ft 10(10) tr
> join #eheh
> :Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org 353 hidd = #eheh :@hidd
> :Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org 366 hidd #eheh :End of /NAMES list.
> mode #eheh +bbbb *!~test@test *!~2test2@2test *!~3test3@3test *!~*@*
> :[EMAIL PROTECTED] MODE #eheh -bbb *!~3test3@3test *!~2test2@2test
> *!~test@test
> :[EMAIL PROTECTED] MODE #eheh +bbbb *!~test@test *!~2test2@2test
> *!~3test3@3test *!~*@*
> mode #eheh +b
> :Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org 367 hidd #eheh *!~*@* hidd 1008045799
> :Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org 368 hidd #eheh :End of Channel Ban List
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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