> I have found what I think is a bug in the /list command.  Mainly that +p
> channels do not seem to show up.
> It was always my understanding that the major (only?) difference between a
> PRIVATE and a SECRET channel is that PRIVATE channels show up in
> /list.  This is the way I have always used +p... I use it if I don't want
> people to follow me to my channel when they /whois me... but I still want
> it to show up in a /list.
I always thought it was the other way around.  If you set +p, the channel
won't appear in /list but if you whois someone who "is" in the channel it
will show up.  As for +s, it shouldn't showup in whois (unless you're
/whois'ing yourself) or /list.  Not too sure about the code part though, as
I'm not much of a coder.  I do know however depending on how your F:lines
are set +s/p channels will show up for opers in /list and in /whois.

Captain Kirk

"The way to become boring is to say everything." --Voltaire

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