On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 5:43 am, Captain Kirk wrote:

> I always thought it was the other way around.  If you set +p, the channel
> won't appear in /list but if you whois someone who "is" in the channel it

4.2.6 List Message

"[...] Private  channels  are  listed  (without  their topics)  as channel 
"Prv" unless the client generating the query is actually on that channel.  
Likewise, secret channels are not listed at  all  unless  the client is a 
member of the channel in question."

        Although afaic we know longer send "Prv" as the channel name for a Private 
(+p) channel...I don't know if anyone ever did tbh.  I believe the intended 
operation is that Private channels will show up on LIST, without their topic, 
but membership of the channel is not visible through use of NAMES, WHO or 
WHOIS, unless the client using the command is in the channel anyway.  Secret 
(+s) channels are hidden on LIST as well as membership information being 

> will show up.  As for +s, it shouldn't showup in whois (unless you're
> /whois'ing yourself) or /list.  Not too sure about the code part though, as

        Or you're in the same channel as the person you're whois'ing.

> Captain Kirk

oper @ London.UK.EU.Undernet.Org

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