Berin Loritsch wrote:
> Waldhoff, Rodney wrote:
>>> I will certainly take a look at Avalon. So why is there a commons pool
>>> and commons dbcp if Avalon does the same and more?
>> I think it's the "and more" part.
>> I do notice that Avalon's org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool.* has 
>> existed for
>> about a month, according to CVS, so perhaps the question should be turned
>> the other way.
> Nope.  Excalibur has gone through a reorg.  Check the location of:
> Thu Jul 19 07:33:02 2001 UTC (9 months, 1 week ago) by donaldp
> Oh, and it existed alot longer when Avalon was hosted under
>  ""
> So before you make off the cuff comments that you know nothing about, do
> a little further research.

Oh yeah, the original location on has the following

Thu Aug 24 11:21:12 2000 UTC (20 months ago) by donaldp

And that's still after the rewrite of the stuff that Stefano wrote...


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