Waldhoff, Rodney wrote:
>>I will certainly take a look at 
>>Avalon. So why is there a commons pool
>>and commons dbcp if Avalon does the 
>>same and more?
> I think it's the "and more" part.
> I do notice that Avalon's org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool.* has existed for
> about a month, according to CVS, so perhaps the question should be turned
> the other way.

And for the DataSources, the URL is here:


Mon Jan 22 17:05:40 2001 UTC (15 months ago) by berin

That was after it was donated to Avalon from Cocoon.

And just in case you want to claim prior art for an instrumentation
package, we had our first version created


Sun Mar 3 15:59:43 2002 UTC (7 weeks, 4 days ago) by leif

Which has been moved to the new location already.


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