On 11 Nov 2003, at 11:31, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 05:39 PM, Tim O'Brien wrote:

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 14:24, robert burrell donkin wrote:
so - is there a positive alternative? i'd like to propose that
common-maths continues to be affiliated with jakarta-commons but
becomes managed by apache commons.

+1, I think that now is the right time to move commons math to Apache Commons.

What does 'affiliated' mean?

i can't recall just now who coined it but here's what i meant by the term.

most users interactive with jakarta through the website and newsletter. for them, a product is part of jakarta if it's listed in the products section of the jakarta side bar (and - to a lesser extent - is categorized under jakarta in the newsletter). issues of management shouldn't really need to concern a user too much.

if they can click on a link to the product's home page from the jakarta sidebar and join the product's mailing list from the jakarta mailing list page then the product is part of jakarta (as least as far as they are concerned). of course, if a product is managed by another pmc, then the product website will be hosted under a separate virtual host and linked from the main project website. similarly the mailing list will not be @jakarta. but from a user's perspective, the product will still be part of jakarta.

affiliation was the term coined to express this kind of relationship.

of course, this only applies if product move to top level projects which offer multiple products. it seems to me that this is the only (positive) way that jakarta can be reduced in size until it again become manageable (but maybe this is a matter for the members...)

- robert

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