On Sunday 26 September 2004 23:35, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> At 04:08 PM 9/24/2004, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> >How many in Apache think you are right?
> Is that a fair question?

In all due respect, my initial question about "demotions" quickly turned into 
a clogmire of intertwined subjects, reaching from breach of confidentiality 
to netiquette to understanding the Apache Way to wasting people's time and 
other more or less non-relevant assertions.
It never really had anything to do with Avalon, except that my questions were 
triggered by events there.

The problem that Nicola perhaps doesn't realize is that, for Apache to be 
long-term viable, it constantly needs to revive and evolve itself. Otherwise 
it will become a speck in history, and not a dominant force of horizontal 
open-source projects. And as you, Ceki, correctly point out, suche evolution 
is likely to come from a minority and possibly not from the top-tier.

> Anyway, my point  is that shooting down a  minority opinion based only
> on numbers  will not serve the  interests of the majority  on the long
> run.

I think it is called the Apache Way, i.e.  I haven't earned the respect of 
others to have a different opinion about the ASF internals, nor does my view 
that what 100 people (members) is informed of, can be shared with the 
remaining set of committers that makes out this community. Apperently my 
Scandinavian background of complete transparency is not compatible with the 
more secretive athmosphere around here.
Lesson learnt.


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