On Monday 27 September 2004 06:02, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> you really don't seem to understand.  *stephen* wasn't on the distribution
> list, and yet you checked with him.  

I have refrained from "attacking people" in this list, but there is a limit on 
how much lies I will tolerate.
Mr Coar, please check your facts before implying yet more untrue statements in 
this and other matters. It doesn't suit you to be caught in FUD spreading and 
carrying untruth to your fellow developers here at the ASF.
IMHO, you have broken not only "unspoken principals of the ASF" (which you are 
accusing me of), but what is normally called "human decency" and one of the 
foundations of most societies; "Thou Shall NOT LIE".

I don't know your motives behind this action, and hope it is only a matter of 
"over-excited to prove me wrong" and/or "ignorance to check up your 

This is so sad. IMHO, an apology is in order, not to me, but to those who have 
placed their trust and confidence in you to a person of integrity and 
respectability to represent them in this organization.

  / http://www.bali.ac        /
 / http://niclas.hedhman.org / 

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