
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 September 2004 00:02
> you really don't seem to understand.  *stephen* wasn't on the
> list, and yet you checked with him.  had he been informed before you
> so?  and you also failed to bother to even inform, much less get
> permission from, the person you quoted.  or the private distribution 
> to which the message was sent.  you just took it on yourself to
> it to the world, only bothering to check with someone who was
> and explicitly *omitted* from the distribution for reasons sufficient
> the sender.

I find this discussion and the usage of terms such as "severe lack of
respect" to be out of place and largely disproportionate with the real
topic, substance and events.

I received an email from the Chairman (with a specific note that that
the message was issue by the Chairman in that capacity). The content of
the message presented a summary of the meeting of the BOD concerning a
proposal that was submitted.  The Chairman presented a number of points
concerning the discussion by the board - all were pertinent to the
subject of a proposal revision and constructive dialog with members of
the board has been imitated as a result.  However - one item concerned
the expression of "serious reservations" as to my participation as a
member of any PMC within Apache. 

Some of you will not know that the members of the proposed Metro Project
nominated Niclas as their choice for chair.  My own reasons for
supporting Niclas in this capacity is my prior experience in working
with him in at least three different ASF projects, his experience and
competence on the subject of the project, but first and foremost - his
genuine integrity as an individual.

Following receipt of the "official" notification from the Board
concerning the Metro Project submission - I contacted Niclas as part of
our normal process of coordination.  I expressed some opinions and
concerns to Niclas on the subject of the notification - including the
subject of the reservations and the strongly implied implications or
those reservations.  A particular concern that I raised was the absence
of any supporting justification or explanation for the "reservation"
that was for all intensive purposes an explicit and directed exclusion
of my participation in the oversight of a project to which I am
committed, engaged and actively contributing.

Neither Niclas, I, or others I spoke with immediately following the
announcement were able to provide a rationale for this position -
however, this is not the subject of concern. Instead - the subject of
concern to every committer in Apache is the implications of the
recommendation on the "open process".  Niclas (as our team
representative) requested my permission to disclose the information to to which I agreed without reservation or
hesitation.  In contradiction to some assertions in this thread - my
reputation is not the question here (that's already well established).
What is in question is the openness of the Apache Software Foundation
and that question is of interest to every committer at Apache.

It is my opinion the Niclas posted his initial comments to the list
simply as a "heads-up" to each and every committer here that something
happened recently that simply was not right.

But beyond this - another darker animal is emerging ...

> you seem to agree that acceptable behaviour is defined by agreements.
> very well, let me spell it out: by participating in the apache
> you are tacitly agreeing to abide by the rules behaviour the
> considers acceptable.  in case it wasn't clear, let me make it so now:
> one of those is "if someone entrusts information to you in confidence,
> you DO NOT expose it unless legally required or with the permission of
> the source."

Will the actions taken by Niclas in defending the principals of openness
and community within the ASF simply lead to another statement of
"serious reservation" concerning his role and potential contribution?

For the record - the relevant elements of the email header of the
notification I received and from which I initiated a dialog with Niclas
are included here:

  Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 00:53:12 -0700
  From: Greg Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: Board Commentary: Metro and Avalon

> i do not intend to 'fuel the flames,' but neither do i intend to let
> anyone get away unchallenged with assertions or implications about our
> organization that are patently untrue.

Please consider this message as my direct and immediate challenge.


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