Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> The problem that Nicola perhaps doesn't realize is that, for Apache to be 
> long-term viable, it constantly needs to revive and evolve itself. Otherwise 
> it will become a speck in history, and not a dominant force of horizontal 
> open-source projects. And as you, Ceki, correctly point out, suche evolution 
> is likely to come from a minority and possibly not from the top-tier.

we don't seem to have done too badly for the last nine years, through
dot-boom and dot-bomb among other things.  presumably that means there's
something working right.

> I think it is called the Apache Way, i.e.  I haven't earned the respect of 
> others to have a different opinion about the ASF internals

not true.  you may have whatever opinions you like.  you may even voice
them under certain circumstances.  the merit you have acquired is directly
related to the seriousness with which your opinion will be regarded.

> nor does my view that what 100 people (members) is informed of, can be
> shared with the remaining set of committers that makes out this community.

*that* is correct, even if misstated ('members' was not the group whose
trust you violated).  you imposed your opinion on others, and demonstrated
a severe lack of respect for them in the process.  that really has nothing
to do with the 'apache way;' it has to do with the forms that people have
developed over centuries in order to permit them to deal with one another
with less than maximal friction.  the 'apache way' aspect may come in if
your actions cause people here to regard you with less respect.

> Apperently my 
> Scandinavian background of complete transparency is not compatible with the 
> more secretive athmosphere around here.

somehow, i doubt very much that your claim to 'complete transparency' is
accurate.  is it a matter of course, and acceptable and desired behaviour,
for a doctor to tell your friends and neighbours that you have cancer?  or
that you *don't* have syphilus?  or for an employee to tell its employer that
it really hates its job, and intends to resign at the earliest opportunity in
order to take a job with a competitor?  or for an employer to tell an employee
that it'll be fired for cause in three weeks?

i suspect not.

attempting to portray a confidential discussion among involved parties as
a 'secretive atmosphere' is, imho, nothing more than another handwave

> Lesson learnt.

from your typification of events, i'm not so sure.
- --
#ken    P-(}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

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