On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 7:58 PM, Gunnar Farnebäck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik van der Werf wrote:
>> For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
>> tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
>> gained and the result is obvious.
> Actually there's one point left to gain in the seki, since the game is
> played with Chinese rules. ;-)

You're right, my reply was sloppy (it seems I'm too much used to
Japanese rules). Also I should have read GCP's email more carefully; I
did not realize that his program, even with a large tree, would not be
able to recognize the seki.  I knew of course that the original Mogo
playouts had this problem, but I thought all strong programs had
solved it by now...

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