> It seems the professional had never played go on a computer before,
> at least not on KGS, so yes, we should probably have used longer time-
> settings, and explained that the robot would play plenty of
> unnecessary moves after filling dame.

She was also a bit "unlucky" in the sense that Leela did not understand it
was dead lost.

I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
put up more of a fight :-)

> As time was running out and the robot played obstinate moves, I told
> the operator to kill it. However, it looked to me like he never
> touched the keyboard, so when a dialog appeared, stating that
> LeelaBot had resigned, I asked him if he had killed the robot, and he
> replied he did not.

The KGS server should have recorded the resignation instantly, but there
is no sign of it in the game record.

>From what I can see Leela's assessement of the position is also not such
that it could have resigned.

So I have no idea what happened either.

> I assumed that it had resigned and we started the review.
> What would you have done in a case like this? :)

I would have mercilessly flagged the lady and claimed a win on time, and
then ran away quickly from the booing audience :)

Seriously, I hope the audience and particularly Ms. Xiao Ai enjoyed the
game, and that they will consider playing and watching more games like

No matter whether the humans play matches or not, the computers will
surpass them someday, and we will get the same situation as in chess: the
humans use the computers as a tool to improve their own game and no longer
worry about actually playing against them themselves.

As long as we're not there, these matches are a great promotion for the
game of go. Just watch how much publicity the MoGo match got. And there's
still lots of possibilities for the humans to take revenge, and for the
computers to take counter-revenge...

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