> How do you perform the neuro-evolution?  What sort of genetic
> operators do you have?  Do you have any sort of crossover?  How do you
> represent the board and moves to the networks?
> - George

- The evolution consists in the random mutation of each neurons : weight,
type of neurone, threshold, input and output adress ; the mutation
probability of each propertie can mutate as well, so that the individual can
eventually lock any important function.

- What do you mean by genetic operator ?

- Crossover is achieved through sexual reproduction. This method is always
tried first, and can only occur between individual belonging to the same
species. When two individual reproduce, they share randomly their genes,
each gene being defined as a set of neurons. If tsis leads to some network
error, the method is left and the two players are tagged as belonging to
different species.

- The game is fully handled by the opengo library :
Concerning my players, the board is represented by a 19x19 integer array,
each input going to one or more neuron input ; each case is also linked to
one neuron output, deciding the move on any given moment.

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