
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 01:55:35AM +0000, Andrea Carta wrote:
> >   Tomas Musil (a student of mine), has created a state-of-the-art open
> > source Go board optical recognition software.  We have focused on
> > completely automatic runs, so it automatically detects the board corners
> > and then the stones on the board, and the precision seems pretty good
> > at least in reasonable lighting conditions.
> Hello mr. Baudis!
> Musil's work is remarkable indeed. I and my fellow colleague, prof. Mario
> Corsolini, studied the thesis and found it of the greatest interest, both on
> the theoretical side and the practical one.

  I'm very happy to hear that!

> BTW, Musil seems to believe that
> "we have not found any other work that we can meaningfully compare our
> results with"; but since november 2012 we have developed and distributed
> PhotoKifu, a program aimed to reconstruct whole Go games by means of a
> series of photograph.

  Sorry about this - we must have missed PhotoKifu when surveying the
available software.

> >   My personal dream would be if we added video capability and further
> > improved speed + reliability in time for EGC2015 (in Czech Republic)
> > and were able to deploy it there to transfer large number of top boards.
> > But this will depend on how much time Tomas will have after the summer
> > (and we didn't actually check with EGC2015 organizers yet), so it's
> > still more of just a dream.  
> Of course, we too are interested in EGC 2015. We hoped to attend the
> scientific conference at EGC 2013, but could not find reliable informations.

  There will be a scientific conference at EGC 2015 as well:


I think a presentation of paper describing your system would find a very
interested audience.

> Maybe Musil will now be able to contact EGC 2015's organizers and catch
> their interest:

  Unfortunately, this is not likely to happen - Tomas Musil has other
commitments now and didn't have enough time to make Imago production
ready in time for such a deployment (i.e. speed much up, error rate
much down, video processing, ...).

  So if it's just up to our software, automatic streaming of boards
using Imago on EGC2015 will not happen.

  (Tomas also started a project that's more interesting for him,
a Haskell rewrite of Imago: https://github.com/tomasmcz/imago-hs,
if anyone is interested.)

> it would be a remarkable feat if we could both go and talk
> about (and, of course, demonstrate) two programs making use of different
> approaches. For the moment we're planning to do such a thing during the big
> international Pisa tournament at the beginning of March, but the EGC 2015
> would be the ideal stage.

  That would be great, I think!  When planning the deployment, we aimed
to first test the software on series of events - in (well lit) Go clubs
and on a larger tournament - starting the testing around now to have
enough time to test it sufficiently and notice things like sun suddenly
coming out of clouds, bumping the table, Go server streaming issues etc.

  We also wanted to start talking around now to wms (KGS author) about
a possibility of extending kgsGTP computer program interface of KGS
to demonstration games.  I would recommend you to reserve enough time
to working out these things too.

  If the system goes through sufficient prior testing, I think deploying
it on EGC2015 would be truly awesome and I would be glad to support it.
I cannot promise any significant time commitment to software development
or even on-site support, but I can talk to the organizers and consult on
technical issues.  I think a good time to start discussing this with
them would be after a first successful real-world tournament test (even
on a small scale like single board).

  Kind regards and good luck,

                                Petr Baudis
        If you do not work on an important problem, it's unlikely
        you'll do important work.  -- R. Hamming
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