Yupp. Multiple semeais are not to mc bots liking.
If you can, create semeais in which one side has to play moves in a certain order.
This will make the evaluation especially unstable :-)


Am 14.09.2010 22:36, schrieb terry mcintyre:
> From my observations of human-versus-bot games, a winning strategy against 
seems to be:

Create several capturing races, even if you lose all of them.

Leave them alone until near the end of the game.

Then, take away the bot's liberties.

If there is more than one race on the board, the odds are good that the bot will
fail to respond to your liberty-stealing moves, and your behind-by-one race will
become ahead-by-one.

Game over.
Terry McIntyre<terrymcint...@yahoo.com>

Unix/Linux Systems Administration
Taking time to do it right saves having to do it twice.

----- Original Message ----
From: Ingo Althöfer<3-hirn-ver...@gmx.de>
To: computer-go@dvandva.org
Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 4:07:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Computer-go] anti-pondering

Congratulations,  Matthew!

An idle thought, for humans trying  to beat computers: after choosing
your move in a difficult part of the  game, you could play (waste) a ko
threat and then quickly play the real  move, to deprive the computer of
pondering time.
This might  become post of the month!

Of course, it is not very enjoyable for the  programmer's scene
to find or design ugly human counter-strategies. But at  least it
is better when we find them instead of being surprised by  human
players (John Tromp, for instance) in some decisive game or  match.

More generally, one might ask for anti-bot-strategies  who
devalue large parts of the current MCTS tree.


By the  way, also for bots versus bots such a strategy might have
some merits.
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