For the record, it costs around $130 to replace the power port in an
iBook at macUpgrades.  Alan guesses that the price is probably similar
at other authorized independent Apple resellers who do repairs.

This isn't pocket change, but it isn't $280 either.

--Constance Warner

Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Change in Terminology AND broken iBooks

> Constance Warner sez:
>> > There isn't any special tool to remove a broken prong
>> > that's stuck in the power port of an iBook; this from
>> > Alan Carroll of macUpgrades (disclosure: he's my
>> > husband).  The remedy: have the power port replaced

What does Alan charge to replace the port? Apple has a flat rate of $280

to repair anything on an old Mac, hardly worth it for just the port on 
an old notebook.


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