Tom Piwowar
>>I probably should have specified MacBook laptops, more
>>specifically MacBook Pro...
> You lose. Maybe you should have bought a Dell?

I got tired of MS saying "Boy you're going to love all
of this great stuff we have coming down, just wait."
"Okay, we can't deliver all of the new whiz bang gadgets
we promised, but you're still going to love this." "Okay,
this is pretty much a re-hash of what we already have,
but you'll have to buy a new computer to make it run so
buy one already!"

I was hoping that I could get Linux to work like I hoped,
Mac seemed to most of what I wanted to do.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Be vewy vewy quiet...I'm hunting tagwines!

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